Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm a TOP ... It's not wut ur thinkin! hahaha

My last blog was bout power, the need, the want, the desire to have power....

Coincidence of coincidences, my personal site (which was recently downgraded into a GP Rated Site - General Patronage) is sitting atop of the www.topphilippinewebsites.com 's ranking!

So wuts it gotta do with power? I totally don't konw! hehehe But whatever it is, I wud have to say that not any tom, dick and harry can do this or be as lucky! Considering that the site is the 2nd most visited/popular personal site in the Philippines(I hate you pacquio), I guess it would sense for me to feel ecstatic!

Hmmmm maybe I can do consultancy jobs on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). hahaha Or tag along with me my company (MyDestiny # 273 and my freinds company (www.fab4online.com # 701).

You say a mistake? Well I don't care jose! If it is, it's a wonderfull mistake, for me that is....

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